General Ginger

General Ginger

Story time:

I am finishing my internship soon; my last clinical-rotation is next month before graduating in August with my acupuncture diploma. It’s been a *long* 4.5 years / 60 visits to North Carolina. I will really miss my patients, but it’s time to move on.

During my time in the clinic, I’ve developed a reputation for a few unique treatment methods including teate-ryoho, seitai-ryoho, and moxibustion (jiu-灸 / okyu-お灸). Moxibustion (moxa) is method of treatment that uses burning mugwort to promote vitality, support a healthy immune response, increase white blood and red cell counts, regulate hormones, fertility and other effects. It’s quite effective.

I use all sorts of direct and indirect moxa methods; grain moxa, stick-on moxa, pole moxa, thunder-fire moxa, salt moxa, and more. Most famously I have a ginger moxa “box” (GMB; it’s actually a bamboo ring); it’s quite smokey but really gets the job done. I intially used this method on myself for fatigue to great effect. I then started using it on others.

Our clinic patients are aware my cohort of interns are on their way out and a few of them brought gifts of appreciation. One of my patients who found signifigant relief from the GMB had some old ginger lying around the house. It grew and sprouted in a very unique way and he said it reminded him of me. It in turn became one of the most meaningful gifts I’d ever received.

I present to you “Ginger warrior” or “General Ginger”:


I was also gifted some fresh honey. Honestly, being able to practice and help these patients is gift enough for me, but stuff like this really hits me in the feels.

Can’t wait until I’m licensed to practice in MI.